Harmony of Religions and Ahimsa BusinessExamples of application of the principles of Harmony of Religions and Ahimsa in businessEthics - education in International Business (Education in Business without Values) Yusuf Khwaja Hamied (Muslim, India) is one of the largest businessmen and philanthropist of the Indian pharmaceutical sector (CIPLA Laboratories). Its business model, which includes a strong commitment to humanity, based on the principles of Islam, has allowed that global pharmaceutical prices for fight against AIDS fall dramatically, allowing access to these drugs to six million people around the world, especially in Africa. The laboratory founded by his father (Muslim), married to a Jewish woman, was created under the Mahatma Gandhi (Hindu) vision. The director of CIPLA is Hindu. Also, PhD Hamied is a close friend of the music conductor Zubin Mehta (Zoroastrian religion).
Example of Business Application of the Ahimsa Principle (Nonviolence)
The application of the Ahimsa Jainist Principle to the pillars of Zoroastrianism (good thoughts, words, and actions), offers us a path to Ahimsa Business. Ahimsa should be considered in a broad sense, implying truthfulness, respect for life and justice, integrity, avoiding corruption in business, social responsibility and philanthropy, equality between men and women, applying the universal golden rule, commitment to Humanity (developing products and services accessible to all). PhD Kazuo Inamori founded Kyocera and also was the director of Japan Airlines. Today, in addition to being emeritus president in these and other companies, he is a Zen Buddhist monk. PhD Inamori has always applied Buddhist ethical principles to his companies: “My efforts to raise my mind and philosophy for forty years in my companies have allowed me to understand my business from the point of view beyond the mere immediate benefit” PhD Inamori The TATA Group (3.2% of Indian GDP, 450,000 workers) has always belonged to Tata family, all of them practitioners of Zoroastrianism faith. The ethical principles of this religion can be found in the TATA's business model:
“The golden rule that I apply to my business is to treat others as you wish to be treated.” Thomas Monaghan (Christianity), founder of Domino Pizza, after selling it for $ 1 billion and took vows of poverty.
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