Adaptation StrategyEENI Educational Adaptation to the Markets and the Internationalisation StrategyEENI Global Business School addresses to the global market. Any student from any country in the world can enrol in the University. However, despite the globalisation of the economy and business, and especially on higher education, EENI should be able to adapt regionally or locally to the realities and particularities of each region or country. Therefore, EENI applies a GLOCAL (Global + Regional + Local) internationalization strategy. This strategy involves the implementation of various actions that allow adapting global training to the different regions of the world or particular countries with a high potential. Ability to adapt the educational programs to each Market (Traditional University and EENI). It is important to note that this regionalisation strategy is based mainly on the international experience of more than 25 years, primarily in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East, acquired as EENI. Although this policy is complex, since this is the world, we wanted to summarise these main features. Pillars of the Adaptation Strategy (internationalisation and regionalization) 1. Creation and inclusion of regional and subregional subjects. Example: the subject “West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ)” is common to all students from Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone (Sub-region: West Africa) 2- Academic offer adapted locally (to each country). EENI Global Business School defined and prepared 180 countries adaptation profiles 3- Incorporation of professors from the region/country The academic structure of EENI Global Business School, formed by regional universities and global and local knowledge networks, facilitates the incorporation of professors from any country, and the generation of local information.
For example, the African Affairs Department is organised regionally, and for each African region depends on the 54 African countries: 4- Regional Languages Empowerment (Swahili, Hindi, Russian, Arabic...) in course materials, exercises, thesis, and dissertations EENI Global Business School wishes to collaborate with the local languages empowerment from the regions in which we have students, as well as the use of linguas francas in regional business. Our experience indicates that for example, a Saudi Arabian student can master English to study the subjects, and even he can contact with other professors and students. However, he/she may have serious difficulties in writing a thesis in English, since the is his mother tongue. For these groups, EENI Global Business School will offer professors and tutors who dominate Arabic. Also, for some of this linguas francas, EENI has developed several subjects in these languages. In the following example, we can see a sample of a subject related to Tanzanian economy in Swahili. 5- Regional and local university websites in main regional languages. EENI Global Business School local websites in several regional languages:
An example of the web in Arabic ( 6- Inclusion of religious and civilising variables. The Adaptation and Internationalisation Strategy includes religious-civilisation variables (i.e., respect for ethical principles and analysis of their influence on the way of doing business), as well as the identification of twenty-two sub-regions of different economic areas (African, Western, Islamic, Buddhist, Sinic, Hindu). One of the pillars of our Global Ethics Model is the principle of Harmony of Religions (respect) which guarantees us an interreligious positioning.
7- Regional Scholarships Policy For more than 25 years, EENI School of Business, has offered scholarships for students with low purchasing power in Africa, Latin America, Asia or the Middle East. Scholarships are awarded regardless of race, sex, religion or political beliefs of future scholars. All scholarships have been financed exclusively with our funds. In conflict or war regions (South Sudan, Libya, Syria, Iraq) scholarships tend to be larger. Women, especially in Africa and the Middle East, are a priority for EENI scholarship policy. Scholarships page - EENI training portal. 8- Creation of Regional Business Councils of the University formed by prominent businessmen and philanthropists of the region. EENI Global Business School is creating five regional councils of businessmen and philanthropists from Africa, Europe, Asia-Pacific, America, and Muslim Countries. The Regional Councils depend on each EENI department. Its main mission is to guide in the long-term on the strategic direction of the department to which they belong, and therefore in the overall strategy of EENI. 9- Creation of Regional Alumni Councils. With the same philosophy, five Regional Alumni Councils are being created in the same regions. These Alumni Councils have two objectives:
10- Strategic Alliances Development with the main Institutions Related to Business. In all areas of knowledge that are not the “core educational business” of EENI, strategic alliances are being established with those organisations related to International Business and companies from all over the world that generate this information. 11- Educational Alliances Development with Local Universities EENI wishes to work together with educational institutions from around the world in blended e-learning programs related to international business. EENI experience in this alliances allows us to take advantage of the synergies created by institutions in America, Europe, or Africa. Educational partnership with the University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso): ceremony of delivery of diplomas of the Master of Science (blended e-learning) 12- A Regional Campus of the University and Creation of a Local University. In the short/medium-term, EENI Global Business School contemplates the opening of a regional university in Africa and Latin America. In the long term, a regional university will be opened in Asia (in principle in India). India is considered as a strategic market for EENI, only by opening a regional university it will be possible to access to one of the largest higher education market in the world. The Indian government itself recognises that it will not be able to guarantee access to higher education to more than 100 million Indians. 13- Regional Accreditations, such CAMES in Africa (whenever feasible) These last two items (12 and 13) are only contemplated for regions considered strategic for EENI: Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia. African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (CAMES) Adaptation Strategy to each country/market Given the significant effort of regionalisation of EENI Global Business School, this strategy is carried out in different phases. EENI considers five geographic areas (Europe, Africa, America, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East) and its twenty-two sub-regions as the main criteria for defining target regions. Europe (3)
America (6)
The Middle East (2)
Africa (5) Asia-Pacific (6)
For each country, it will also take into account its membership to any of the seven Civilisations/economic-religious spaces and 26
sub-regions identified.
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