Strategic marketsEENI Key Markets - Emerging and Lower-Middle-Income Countries: Africa, Latin America and Asia-Pacific (India)EENI Global Business School seeks to facilitate global access to higher education at an affordable price, particularly those segments and people neglected by the traditional universities. However, EENI Global Business School & University considers strategic the following regions and countries: Short-term:
As we can see on the map of Worldwide Gross Enrolment Rates, regions and countries with lighter colours (Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America) , offer the greatest growth potential in enrollment in university education (Source: UNESCO). EENI Students in Africa (Burkina Faso) EENI considers that certain markets, like China and the United States, due to their peculiarities or their protectionism level, are not viable but through a physical presence of the University (regional campus). So in principle, they will not be considered as key markets for EENI neither to short nor medium-term. Although, there is a potential market for their Diaspora. Comparison between the ability to access to the Global Market between a Traditional University and EENI: Adaptation and Internationalisation Strategy of EENI
(c) 1995-2023