Vision - EENI Global Business School

Global Ethics Model (EENI)

Ethics as one of the Pillars in Education in International Business

How EENI wants to solve the problem related to tendency to an education in business without values

  1. Implementing its Global Ethics Model.
  2. Teaching subjects about:
    1. Main world religions, their ethical principles and their influence in business: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism...
    2. Global Ethics.
    3. How to avoid corruption in International Business.

      No to Corruption in Business
  3. Offering a Professional Doctorate and Master in “Global Ethics, Religions, and Business.”
  4. Empowering research on Ethics, Religions, and Business
  5. Creating groups of students from different cultures and religions
  6. Implementing the CV-Watch Project (monitoring the professional life of the alumni)
  7. Creating the Ahimsa Institute
    1. Mission: Encourage the Ahimsa Principle (Nonviolence) in international Business and Harmony of Religions
    2. Vision: “Towards an Ahimsa Global Economic Area” (based on Dalai Lama Vision)

Comparison of the possibility of offering training with global values between a Traditional University and U-EENI):

Education with global values

Previous consideration: the interreligious and intercultural environment in which acts EENI

EENI Global Ethics Model

EENI Global Business School developed its Global Ethics Model, that is, those values shared by humanity, based on world religions (84% of Humanity) like Wisdom Traditions and sources of a Global Ethics Model.

The two pillars of the global ethics model of EENI are:

  1. Principle of Harmony of Religions (Knowledge and respect for world's religions)

    Harmony of Religions (Islam, Hinduism)

  2. Application of the Ahimsa Principle (Nonviolence) in business.

    Ahimsa Nonviolence in Business

These two principles are implicit in all the world higher religions. Our Global Ethics Model is based on a reflection by the British historian Arnold Toynbee:

“The principle of nonviolence of Gandhi and Sri Ramakrihsna's testimony to harmony of religions: here we have the approach and spirit that can make it possible for humanity to grow together into one family.”

This Global Ethics Model is the guiding principle of EENI Global Business School.

The EENI Global Ethics Model is based on the Global Ethics Model developed by EENI School of Business in 2011.

In all the subjects on “Business and Religion”, we have included cases of personalities, businessmen and businesswomen of the world, almost all of them are also largest philanthropists, who in one way or another, are applying these principles in their business models.

The in-depth analysis of these cases has significantly influenced the development of our Global Ethics Model, and we would like that can serve as a reference for our students.

Examples of the principles of Harmony of Religions and Ahimsa Business.

Advantages for the Student of the EENI Global Ethics Model

  1. Knowledge. Students will know the different religions of the world and how they influence on business.
  2. Respect. Only this knowledge will allow them to respect.
  3. Principles. Students trained to act in an Ahimsa way (honest, truthful, upright, not to corruption...) in business

Advantages for companies

  1. Positive evaluation of students with education in International Business but also with ethical principles, respect for other religions and the ability to act in an Ahimsa (non-violence) way in business.

Advantages for EENI

  1. Interreligious positioning based on the principle of harmony of religions
  2. This positioning does not imply any proselytism
  3. Indispensable in the most important markets for EENI: Asia, Middle East, Africa, Latin America...

Strategic markets EENI Global Business School

  1. Master in Religions, Business and International Economic Relations
  2. Doctorate in Global Ethics, Religions, and International Business

EENI African Portal

African Business (Master, Courses, Doctorates)

EENI is aware that can try to transmit these values and principles to its students, but it is impossible to guarantee that they act with ethical principles.

Online Higher Education in Spanish Modelo de Ética Global Online Higher Education in French Modèle d’éthique mondiale de l’EENI Online Higher Education in Portuguese Modelo da ética global da EENI

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